Stormfallbgscalculator - Defense Bgs

Defense Bgs Attacking Method

In the Stormfall age of war, the defense battleground is one of the main war strategies. In that, we are going to see how to attack defense bgs.Please follow the given instruction.

Defensive battlegrounds are the easiest to do since you can find out exactly what troops are in them, simply send 1 unit and you will get a full report.

  • In Defense Battleground(Bgs) Balur's duty is Offend the Presidio, Refugee Camp, Tower of Mages, Village.
  • Choose one of the Defense Bgs from Eagle's Nest.
  • Send 1 archer or Wraith to the defense Bgs.
  • Get the Grant Marshal Report and fill the below column.

Balur Offense units

Marennon Orc Orcish Raider Ogre
Balur's Off

Best unit for attacking Defense BGs is  unit.

Defense Bgs Approximate Power Calculation:-

  • Enter your Defense Battleground(Bgs) level and get balur's Offense power in defense bgs.
LevelBalur's Offense power


Defense 1